Happiness is
your life's greatest journey.
And, like any journey, having a guide is the best way to ensure you will reach your destination. Let us help guide you to the greatest expression of yourself.
Module 1:
Defining Happyness. Principle: It's hard to hit the target when you haven't identified it first.
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Module 2:
Making sense of Happyness. Principle: Understand the mind, and you'll understand how to BE happy.
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Module 3:
If you want Happyness to grow, sometimes you need to pull a few weeds. Principle: If you want your garden to bear fruit, you first must prepare the soil, plant the seeds, and then maintain your garden.
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Module 5:
Transformation of Mind: From inhibition to Vision. Principle: Free the past to unleash your future.
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Module 4:
Skills for mindful Happyness - the art of listening inside Principle: Happyness is not only an experience for the mind -- it is also felt in the body.
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Module 6:
Energy: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly. Principle: Energy flows all around us. Tapping into it and using it properly is like The Secret on steroids!
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Module 7:
Learning to embody Happyness. Principle: If you knew this body was the only vehicle you would ever have to express your most radiant happiness, would you treat it any differently?
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Module 8:
Sharing Happyness with others. Principle: The greatest gift one receives when they find their true 'happyness' is the ability to give it to others.
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